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Final Rendezvous Day

It seems the trade off for the great winds for the sail over here was a cold overcast day with plenty of rain. Despite this we all had a lot of fun. In the morning we had the canoe racing. We formed a team of four with Mike from Callisto. We ran in the first heat and came second, half a boat length behind a team of fit men. Out of about 40 teams our time was overall 6th so we figured that wasn’t so bad.

There were a number of other events of which some we missed watching due to being back on the boat. The day finished with some prize giving for event winners and a third and final Polynesian dance. During this dance, both Helen and I were separately pulled up to dance with the professional dancers.

Big, big thanks to the organizers of the puddle jump. To anyone reading this following our wake I’d thoroughly recommend joining the puddle jump rendezvous for your crossing.

We had planned a BBQ on the boat with friends but the weather was not up to it so we ended up having a needed restful night alone. At dusk a pinch of sky in the west turned blue giving us a nice sunset and providing a hint of the true beauty of this island.

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