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Tue May 27 13:26GMT (10:26am ship time)

36°11.3’N 41°31.6’W
SOG (Speed over Ground): 6.7 knots (motor sailing)
Heading: 080
Distance from Bermuda: 1,170nm
Distance to Horta: 632nm
ETA (Horta): Sunday May 31
Distance to Horta: 632nm

On the current rotation I am now on standby and watch twice each night. Last night the two stints were two very separate experiences. The first watch was early enough to be not too cold. The stars were out, the sea was settled, the boat motoring on. The two hours can seem both very long and very short. Alone with the stars ones thoughts fly everywhere and nowhere. I’m glad I have music to listen to. The mood of each song is amplified in the solitude. Some songs make you want to sing (and you can cos noone will hear). Some songs can trigger profoundly emotional moments. A witnessed four meteors and some space objects shining in low orbit.

The second shift was quite different. Starting predawn it was colder and for me it was a two hour struggle to stay awake. There were clouds on the horizon so sunrise was obscured for an hour. It was a relief when the shift was over and I could rest.

This morning has provided fewer surprises than yesterday. We have seen a pod of dolphins which I finally had my camera ready for. Hopefully there will be some good pics.

Yesterday we made some plans for the Azores. John’s family arrive on 6th of June. Prior to the 6th we need to ready the boat and effect some repairs. Given the excellent time we have made from Bermuda we will have time for some R&R. We have decided to visit the vineyards on Pico and, if possible, get a guide to take us to the summit of Pico which is a 2,300m volcano.

When John’s family arrive we’ll need to be on our best behaviour. We have 3-4 days to get to Sao Miguel. We reckon on two overnight sails to maximize day time on the islands.

Later today we’ll pass the 1 week point since leaving Bermuda.

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