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Mail Forwarding

One thing we won’t be able to totally escape from is land based mail.  That means we need a long term solution that will enable us to get hold of our mail from time to time.  There is a service called St Brendan’s Isle based in Florida which has been well rated and provides an excellent set of services.

The basic service filters out the rubbish you receive and will package up your mail and send it to locations you specify when and where you want.

In addition they will optically scan your envelopes so you can view them on line.  If anything is particularly important you can request to have the item opened and scanned so you can again read online.  You can also select mail to be shredded thus lowering the number of items that need to be sent on your next drop.  This feature probably allows you to reduce the number of drops sent as you know you’ve read the important stuff.

Finally, the address they provide you is sufficient to establish Florida residency.  Florida has no state income tax so were we to do this we will reduce the tax on the income from our savings.  Chances are we will do this too.  We may need to get Florida driving licenses to make this work so it looks like we’ll have to squeeze in a drive down to Florida on our way to the BVIs in October.

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