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Day 19 – Cane Garden Bay

This morning we sailed to Cane Garden Bay. This was our longest leg of the trip to date. 21.7 miles which we accomplished in just under 3 hours – mooring to mooring. Cane Garden Bay was packed with escapees from two cruise ships but they inevitably had to leave. We ate ashore at Myatt’s. We were shown the food before it was cooked which was good. We were also told we could have combos which most of us did. What we didn’t realize was that the combos were basically two meals piled on top of each other and cost practically twice as much. We were well fed that night but the wallet wasn’t happy. That evening we had a lot of rain. We had to wait it out to return back to the boat and it meant we had to sleep with the ports shut. A stuffy night for all.

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