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Day 18 – The Baths again

It’s amazing where you can find an internet connection. Here we are off Cooper Island and there’s an unsecure link to the internet. Had a nice chat with Dave and his crew aboard Martha R (another Lagoon 420) this morning. 8 adults aboard and it looked more roomy than our current 3 foot longer cat. We’re still very happy with our choice.

Off to The Baths shortly

… later …

Nice day back on Virgin Gorda. It started with an upwind sail to The Baths where we moored off Devil’s Bay. Leaving John aboard the rest of us walked into Spanish Town. This was a walk we had taken a number of times back in 2002 when we stayed near The Baths on our diving vacation. It was interesting to see how much we had forgotten.

Back at The Baths Ben and Sam went rock climbing and Helen and I went snorkeling. Once we were all back on the boat, we shifted Gato Chateau around the corner where it was less rolly so we could have a late afternoon BBQ of chicken, sausages and burgers.

We then sailed down to Peter Island where we moored in Sprat Bay. We had arrangements with the dive company that they would hail us and pick us up their for a night dive if all was well. Unfortunately we didn’t hear from them so that was off. We spent the evening walking around Peter Island resort where we were mostly under dressed to enter places. Nevertheless it was a beautiful resort.

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