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Toopua, Bora Bora

The sail over to Bora Bora was a little bumpy. We kept a reef in the main all the way over as from time to time we would see winds in the 20s and we expected some effects from the mountains as we passed behind Bora Bora.

Approaching Bora Bora was a wonder. Towering peaks set amongst turquoise waters surrounded by a circling reef promise lots of excitement and perhaps some hard effort over the next few days.

As the wind was still blowing strong we decided to anchor behind the smaller island of Toopua. We’d heard from both A Cappella and Sea Mist who were anchored there and they both reported a calm anchorage – something we’ve not seen for a while. Just after we anchored, Ed and Cornelia from A Cappella came by to say hello and share their lessons learned from the area.


Ben and I decided this would be a good time to repair the hookah. This meant again taking it out of it’s housing and this time completely disassembling the compressor section. This turned out to be really difficult as the compressor pistons had jammed onto the shaft. We eventually had to use a crowbar and lots of banging to free the final piece probably annoying the guests at the expensive Hilton nearby. During all this the Sea Mists dropped by to say hello too. After several hours we were nearly done and it was time for dinner. We’ll finish this job off later this morning.

We’re gradually going bananas over our bananas. We’ve been eating as many as possible and Helen has been baking some excellent banana bread/cakes but we’re losing the battle against sanity and volume. I’m now off for breakfast. Bananas.

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