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No slowdown yet

Yesterday was fairly busy. The longest time spent was on a key for my Audi. One of them had stopped working recently so I assumed it was the battery. I drove to the dealer to have it replaced. The replacement battery made no difference so I was told the keys had to be reprogrammed. That would take an hour and I would have to wait for someone to become available. 2-3 hours later we discovered that reprogramming didn’t work either so I needed a replacement key. In all, this took over 4 hours and cost $250. Good job I was able to switch into island time.

Yesterday I also initiated efforts to establish our forwarding address in Florida through St Brendan’s Isle. We already have an address but it will take a while to sort out paperwork. I also applied for Helen an my health insurance to start in September. Fortunately by corporate health insurance lasts until the end of the month.

Today we’re leaving Anne and John’s for now. We need to leave by 1pm as we need to get to Sam’s college to pay for his tuition. We want to leave our little space in the far bedroom as clean as we found it. We’re nearly done packing but there is more to do. A few more transfers of stuff to the boys can be planned for today. Sam has room for the last of our sofa chairs in his attic so we’ll take that.

Tonight we’ll all stay in Sam’s attic. Bit of a squish but it means we can leave early in the morning for Newark without disturbing Anne and John. We have an early morning flight to Phoenix and due to the time difference we’ll arrive before lunch. We’ll have plenty of time to get to Flagstaff so I think we’ll go via Sedona and take a look around there. We have a couple of days spare at the end of our trip which we haven’t planned so sussing out Sedona will let us know if we want to come back. I’ve heard it’s very nice there.

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