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The winds died somewhat overnight giving us perfect Code Zero weather – had it been light. We weren’t going to hoist it at night given our earlier experiences. Dinner was, you guessed it, mahi mahi.

This morning we hoisted the new Code Zero for the first time and managed to pick up some decent speed as well as being able to regenerate for a while. Given that we were long on electricity I decided to run the watermaker to top up our tanks. Not long after the bilge alarm was wailing. I checked the bilge to find water pouring in from the water maker. We quickly shut things down and closed off the sea cock. Water was coming from the high pressure housing on the clark pump. It could be simple, it could be nasty. I won’t know until we’re anchored and I can remove the main unit.

Otherwise all is well.

Later… Code Zero was furled after 4-5 hours of use as the wind picked up. For a while we had to reef the main. Progress remains good. Fingers crossed for arrival on the 17th.

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