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Day 18 – Rocks

Today we decided to head back to Virgin Gorda to visit the Baths. We walked to Spanish Town first, and it was then that my knee was really inflamed and painful again. But I didn’t let that stop me from climbing on the rocks for a few hours. Ben and I went back on the rock path that we saw the Ghost of the Rock Lady, but there was no ghost. Instead we saw what seems to be evidence of a caveman. We saw recently burnt campfires, conch shells that were smashed open by a large smooth rock, and rather huge caves that seem like a comfy habitat. But anyway, we did that for a few hours, got boiling hot and our feet sore, and went back to the boat for a BBQ. We were planning on going for a night dive on the Rhone, but we were ditched. We later went to the beach which apparently was too good for us. We needed a collared shirt and shoes to be worthy enough to be a customer. Also the stay was expensive too, but at least they had free showers that came with shampoo and conditioner. Hey, at least this place was good for something.

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