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In the UK

We arrived in the Uk yesterday morning with both of us having about 3 hours sleep on the plane. Helen’s sister Betty picked us up from the airport and took us to her home in Chesham. Most of the day was just sitting about chatting. I walked into the town center (which is very close) a few times to sort out cash, get some food and later to get some wine and beer.

In the evening we were picked up by our friends Erin and Robin and taken back to their house to stay the night. On the way we popped in for a surprise visit to another old friend, Judy, who had recently moved into a house with her boyfriend Rupert on the way we were heading. This was a nice surprise for all.

After a couple of glasses of wine we were off to Erin and Robin’s where we were later met by our old karate instructor, Ashley, and his wife, Karen. Judy also joined later in the evening as did Rupert. We didn’t hit the sheets until 1:30am which was ok for Helen and I as this was only 8:30pm for us. Getting up at 9am was not so good as we had to ride with Erin and Robin off to the dojo as it was the grading morning. It was nice to see a few of our old friends. Most had moved on from the club but there were a few recognizable faces and it was good to have a quick chat.

We’re now back at Betty’s. We watched the Grand Prix which had one of the most exciting and nail biting finishes we can remember. Now it’s back to going slow for a bit.

Today is Helen’s Birthday so we’re going to end up getting a takeaway curry this evening. You may have guessed we’re looking forward to this.

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