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Back to Neiafu

Our plan was to head back to Neiafu stopping for one night on the way. After some deliberation we decided to stop by the island of Utungake. There really wasn’t much wind so we motored all of the way there.


Shortly after arrival and making sure the boat was sitting well at anchor we dinghied around the corner to the Tongan Beach Resort to look around and see if we wanted to eat there. It turned out they were doing a lunch time BBQ so we decided to hang around. We ended up spending a peaceful three hours there reading magazines and books as well has having the BBQ washed down with a couple of beers.

When we got back to the boat we found it had swung around 90 degrees and was now dangerously close to the reef. It would have been on it if the chain hadn’t have wrapped around a coral head. Needing no better excuse we up anchored and completed our trip to Neiafu where we anchored more or less at the same place as before.

Not a lot to say about the rest of the day. I did pop over to see March on Passages who is now out of hospital having earlier been in for a leg infection. I also popped by Stella Maris to help them with a computer problem which he solved in the process of showing me his problem – it’s often the way. I didn’t escape without being plied with a beer and receiving some useful advice about the passage to New Zealand.

This morning we’ve been a bit busy. We’ve extended our Tonga visas for another month and booked our karting for tomorrow and dive the day after. Our evening schedules are bouncing around a bit but it now looks like party on Infinity tonight, Ovavu’s pizza tomorrow (one of the local’s birthday) and possibly curry evening aboard Dignity on Wednesday followed by Tonga Bob’s and the fakaleitis. We’ve also done some provisioning but not all we need to do. Once we leave here it will be nearly three weeks before we will see a half decent supermarket / store so we do need more. I’ve also started the paperwork for New Zealand which is nearly complete. I may just get around to doing some tax work this afternoon – it has to be done sometime.

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