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Car/Pub Cricket

We had a wonderful stay in West Wittering with Sam’s godfather, Dick, his wife, Sarah, and their children Henry, Maria & Tom. It was also great meeting up with “The two Chrisses” from Sea Squared who I last saw in the Azores. They were part of the ARC fleet traveling from the Caribbean to the UK.

This morning we left West Wittering and went to Sidcup in Kent to meet Vicky & Ben for lunch. Vicky is Ben’s godmother. Vicky cooked a great curry and it was so good to catch up on the missed years.

We have been out of touch with Dick and Vicky for many years and we’ve vowed not the let this happen again.

After Vicky’s it was back to Chesham and Helen’s sister Betty. We need to relax as it’s been non-stop but not just yet. Sunday looks to be our “day off.”

Dick taught us a game called Pub Cricket which can be played while driving in the car. We tried this on our way to Sidcup. Helen won 6-4. For rules – here is a link :

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