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Getting Ready

Thursday was a work day. We have a possibly tough crossing ahead of us so it’s necessary to check the boat all over and make things good. It was a little too windy and wet to bring the sail down but a lot else was accomplished. Most the checks went fine. I wasn’t happy with the bearing on my steering gear so I dismantled the rudder posts and greased them up. Batteries, sale cars and shrouds look ok. We washed out the bilges and tested the pumps. All good.

In the evening we went ashore to Big Mamas for beers and food with Sea Mist and Leu Cat – we all had a good time.

Today we’re going to clear out. We’ll do all our formalities, load up with fuel and provision for the trip. We’ll also try to get the head sail fixed. Then we’ll be set to go whenever the opportunity arises. I’m currently loading GRIBs 3 to 4 times a day to watch the evolving weather models. It’s a complex picture but it does look like an opening will arrive soon. On this one we could well start with some rare north westerlies followed by a calm and variable patch followed by a resumption of the trades. A decision will be made each day.

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