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At sea

At 7am this morning we raised our anchor and were off. Inside the Tongatapu the winds were light so we gave the genset a final test to get us going. At 7:30 the systems were all switched off so I could run the morning’s Penguin net. Helen wasn’t overly pleased to be left helming in light air but she did fine. Because most boats had either just left or were about to leave the net was quick and we were done in 10 minutes or so.

To get out of Tongatapu we put the genset back on to overcome the wind shadows caused by the islands and to get us clear of all hazards.

Now we’re plodding on under sail. Five boats left within an hour of us and it was exciting to see all the sails up. We’re sailing about 35 degrees off of our desired course waiting for the wind to continue shifting to put us not only on the right course but on a better angle to the wind.

The weather couldn’t be better. The sky is blue with wisps of clouds. Spirits are high.

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