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Running around

Did a lot of running around yesterday but on reflection I managed to complete nothing. To that end I’ll claim completion (forgot to mention the previous day) of my effort to permanently plumb in the washing machine waste.

As part of the build of our enhanced rudder pins I removed my starboard flange and dropped it off so they could drill out a larger hole for the new pins. Hopefully these will be ready today.

There also may be a day or two delay with our new car as the NZ registration paperwork seems to be slowing down delivery. Our charger should be on it’s way here within a day or two.

We can now eat of the floor of the boat as Helen spent another day cleaning and sorting. Ben had a very productive session with a contact he has made in New York with respect to understanding more about starting work as an actuary including getting some hiring leads.

During one of my runaround sessions I took the camera out for some pics of the place. Enjoy.

Yesterday evening we dined with Ed/Cornelia from A Capella and Vickie/Steve from True Companions. We started off meeting up aboard Dignity for cocktails and starters before trudging all the way to the other end of Opua to True Companions for dinner and desert. Hardly needs to be said that we had a good time of it.

Today we’re going to walk to Paihia and set up a local bank account and eat out for lunch. If our news rudder pins are ready when we return I’ll sort that out so we are free to move.

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