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All charged up

Yesterday went well. I was able to contact the tech as planned. We reviewed the preparatory work I had done and what I needed to pay attention to when exchanging the units. The switch over went reasonably well with the most time spent getting the new unit properly secured as the mountings were awkwardly placed.

After a second call we agreed a test plan. This very quickly showed the new unit was operating at full strength. After cleaning up and securing all the cables I had moved during the install the final test was to run a full charge. We ran the generator in mode 3 for around three hours charging both the drive banks and the house which I’d let decline as I knew this would come. The mode 3 charging was also back to full strength which has been the main annoyance since the problem developed back when we were approaching the Cooks. We did run into a problem during this test in the form of a large jelly fish that decided to explore the water cooling system to the generator. The genset shut down and on restart the water strainer filled with mushed up jelly fish which all had to be removed. Once cleaned up, all was fine. Finally the drive banks dropped to float charge which proved all is well.

We have another call planned this morning to discuss results of the testing and to learn how to use a new gizmo I’ve been sent to digitally read some of the charging metrics.

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