No. Got that one out of the way pretty quick. Just some kelp. Not even any whelks this time. Ben and I replaced the manky beef fat with the deliciously stinky fish caught the night before. Hopes are up.
That was it for the morning. In the afternoon we took a walk around Moturua. The walk was fantastic with excellent views of the area which we’re nowhere close to being bored of yet. As we walked around the island the walk ascended four times and descended four times back to beaches. In between we were treated to a variety of landscapes from tight wooded areas to open fields at times. A lot of variety in a short period of time with plenty of exercise. Our final stop was an old WWII gun emplacement – an old pill box looking north. From there we could see the buoy from our lobster trap which brought thoughts of deliciousness (hope yet remains).
One of our outdoor speakers failed so I replaced that. That sums up the day.
Today we move on.
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