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Whatupuke Island (Hen & Chickens)

Yesterday evening was fairly normal except for being invited over to Emily Grace to share desert with them. Kim had baked a pumpkin pie which wasn’t a pumpkin pie but tasted like one. We hung around for about an hour before returning back to Dignity as we were feeling a little tired.

This morning we moved to Whatupuke Island, part of the Hen & Chickens group. The wind was light initially so we motored half way before being able to sail downwind with just the job out. It was foggy most of the way and it was a little nerve wracking coming through the nearby pass with such little visibility. But we made it ok.


We soon had the fishing rod and handline out and not long after were reeling in the snapper. Ben looked up the legal size limit and although the fish were not exactly huge, they were certainly bigger than the number Ben quoted. We caught fourteen in all putting four back as they really were just too small. Five I filleted leaving all the guts intact (giving us five ‘fish frames’ for our crayfish trap) and five I disembowelled so they could be cooked whole. Ben and I then hung the five frames from the roof of the crayfish trap and, now in the rain, dinghied out to set the trap. I then double checked the minimum size limit and came up with a different interpretation to Ben. We may have to use some relavistic style argument to ensure all the fish we kept were above the minimum limit.

The trap with five fish frames looked irresistible. Our hopes are high. We have whole fish and some filets to cook and, no doubt, we’ll be bringing in the crayfish tomorrow morning.

If the current weather forecasts remain as they are we’ll have to hightail it out of here tomorrow as the winds are expect to become strong from the east making this anchorage untenable towards the evening. We’ll be heading west for shelter at the same time getting closer to Whangarei where we’ll spend Xmas. It looks likely that we’ll have Sam’s Godfather / old friend / of Helen and myself and his family over on Xmas day so we’re looking forward to that. They’re over here on vacation and the timing works out perfectly for a visit to the boat.

1 comment to Whatupuke Island (Hen & Chickens)

  • Colin Barnes

    It sounds promising. Next blog will say have crayfish for dinner! yes.
    See for fish sizes and rules. Different areas of NZ have slightly different sizes and quantities. Our area (central) it is 27mm for snapper with a limit of 10 per person plus a 20 fin fish combined limit per person. Crayfish are tail width 54mm for male and 60mm for female. Packhorse tail lenght 216mm. 6 per person. Finfish are measured from nose to v of tail. Who had the right size?
    Another good eating fish is Tarakihi which have a black saddle with a silver body. legal size here is 25mm. Use small hooks with a very small bait about little finger nail size.Nothing beats fresh fish straight from the sea or Kai Moana in NZ maori, Kai meaning food Moana meaning sea. In shallow water at reefs and rocks snorkel for Paua (abalone) a much sort after sea food here.
    Happy sailing, tight lines and a Merry Xmas to all.

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