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Day 15 – Norman Island, Roadtown

The day started off with a cooked breakfast. Helen has been wanting one for a bit so we all went along. Many of us felt it was a bit much, particularly after the previous evenings meal.

Today we had some great upwind sailing in St Francis Drake Channel. First leg of the trip was from Soper’s Hole over to The Caves off of Norman Island. Ben lost his breakfast on the way. Some combination of the large breakfast, reading Shogun indoors and the rum he drank last night. At the caves we all went snorkeling. We were greeting by an enormous barracuda which we later learned lived there and was called Bert. The Caves were a fun swim. The longest goes back about 50ft and is totally dark inside. It is an awesome view when you turn to come out and see the daylight streaming in.

The Caves

After lunch aboard the boat we sailed over to Roadtown, Tortola and Village Cay Marina where we intend to stay for a couple of evenings.

Dinner was at a nearby restaurant called Nexus. Service was very slow. We think it was due to some anticipated customer spillover from the marina restaurant which was booked up for the evening for a special function.

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