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New Year’s Day

Ben and Sam showed up sometime after 9 marking the end of their night out. They agreed to regular consciousness around midday. Helen and I were a bit worn out from the previous night and stayed in throughout the morning relaxing. The boys needed no prompting (bar their pangs of hunger) to arose them at the agreed time. We headed out to find most restaurants closed. We found an open Sushi place and grabbed some very inexpensive roles which we ate back at our hotel room.

After lunch Helen and I left the boys to their own devices and went for a walk. We ended up walking over to and through the main park in Auckland (I think it’s called the Domain). There was a nice wintergarden there with plenty of now familiar and some less familiar plants and flowers on show. We peeked into the museum there but didn’t go in as we didn’t have the time. We walked back via the Parnell area which appeared quite quaint with lots of little restaurants and shops.

After another rest we went off in search of an evening meal. We walked quite some distance finding only Asian restaurants open. In the end we gave up and stopped at a mediocre Turkish fast food place which wasn’t very fast at that.

I understand the boys went out again last night – we’ll learn of their adventures later this morning.

Today we’re leaving town and heading towards the Waitomo area where we will pitch our tents for at least a couple of nights.

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