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Slowing down

We’re both feeling a little overwhelmed with all the setup ahead of us.  Our shipment has yet to arrive and communications are frustrating.  We’ve already decided we need to slow down our plans.  We intend to stay longer in individual locations and move on less than originally planned.  Blogs are likely to become less frequent until we settle in.

Today we pickup our dinghy and outboard.  On the way back we’ll pick up the watermaker.  Once back to the boat we’ll move out of Fort Louis marina and into the local bay where anchoring is free but close to town.

Yesterday we met with a recommended boat worker who we liked a lot.  He will be helping me with a number of the required installations we need to perform.  He is local and has already provided good information about the island.

That’s all for now.  If we don’t blog for a few days, don’t worry.  We’re not giong anywhere just yet.

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