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Heaven ….

…. came this morning when we went ashore.  We had separate tasks, Helen to the supermarket and I to obtain the internet subscription.  First we went to the bakery and each had a fresh croissant.  We’re on the French side so they know how to do it.  Heaven.

Then things played out in Caribbean style.  I walked the half mile to the place I could buy a months internet.  Turns out they only take cash and I didn’t have enough.  So it was back to the dinghy, back to the boat, you know the rest.

Once on the net I tried getting more information on our shipping.  No emails from them despite providing them ours.  No responses to the emails I have sent them.  I have tried calling several times both by Skype and using Eddie’s mobile phone.  Never picks up on either of the numbers we have.  So it’s probably another ride on the local bus to the other side of the island this afternoon.

I have discovered a burnt out fuse going to the fans that cool the motors so I now have to troubleshoot that.  Am getting some help from the techs at CatCo which is making this manageable.

Eddie is progressing on fixing in the watermaker.  Once all the components are fixed in, I will connect all the hoses to both save some money and to learn more about the system.  He’s also progressing on cutting the hole for the chartplotter.

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