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A really lazy day

Every now and then it’s nice just to sit back and do not a lot. That’s been today all right.

We have done a few things. We’ve made up our minds how to spend the next few days. We’ve decided on a two day/one night trip into the Abel Tasmin National Park. We’ll take the two man tent and cold food avoiding the need to take cooking equipment. We’ll start the day tomorrow with a big breakfast, pack the tent then catch the 10:30 water taxi north into the park. From there we’ll have an approximately 4 hour hike to our first night’s stop at Bark Bay. The next day we have a 7 hour hike out. We’ll come back here and take a simple cabin for the night before moving on.

Helen has been reading to relax. I’ve been tackling a few more Euler problems – I now have 84 nailed but it’s taking a while to figure out how to solve them and I’m running into a few brick walls. Well, it’s relaxing for me.

There is no room in the back packs for any blogging equipment so I’ll be quiet until we’re back. (NOTE – perhaps I can set my phone up to blog – to be solved at a later date)

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