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Thanks for the Xmas Pressie

Yesterday Mum & Dad bought us a Magma grill for the back of the boat. As with many things this was an all day event. In the morning we dinghied over to Island Water World and Budget Marine to take a look at what was available. With all four of us in the dinghy travel wasn’t swift. We eventually settle on a unit which we took back to Dignity. With us all feeling a bit tired we rested and installation was left until the afternoon. Very quickly we realized the mounting bracket was incorrect so back I went to Island Water World to resolve. They were more than helpful both swapping the bracket we had and giving us a bunch of nuts and washers for free.

Back on the boat the unit was finally installed. Evening meal was grilled chicken, mushrooms and salad. Came out very well – even if I was chef.

Here is a pic of the grill.

From 2008-11-22

Today we’re going to see the latest Bond movie with Pat and Tom. There are a few boat chores to do. I won’t bore you.

Tomorrow is Mum’s birthday so we’re thinking up what to do then. I’m also itching to get sailing again. Looking like we’ll head off on Tuesday and go to St Barts.

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