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Ferry Day

We were our of our lodging by about 10am. We spent a little time in the small museum by the waterfront before driving to one of the viewpoints on the Queen Alexandra Drive where we read for a while enjoying the view. We then headed down to the ferry terminal and spent a while lining up before boarding the ferry.

With much better weather heading north than we had heading south we had a much better view of the sounds and the two coasts. One two occasions we saw dolphins in the water.

Upon arriving in Wellington we found a backpackers within walking distance of the town center. It’s a good price but a bit grubby. We won’t be staying long.


In the evening we walked into the town center and ate at the food court in the same building as the movie theatres.

Today we plan to visit the Te Papa museum which we’ve heard is very good and visit the gardens. We intend to find somewhere out of town to stay tonight.

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