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Friday it rained

And it rained. And it rained. And then. It rained some more. And it was windy.

There was some progress though. The yard was able to assign two chaps to start the sanding of the hulls under the cabin. They had a natural roof over their head so they we able to put quite a few hours in. By the end of the day they had completed about 80% of the inner facing halves of each hull. During the day I was able to talk to the works manager about our projects and we have a few contractors lines up to visit. We were visited that day by the stainless steel guys for the nacelle protection (from the anchor/chain).

Just about all the jobs on Helen and my list of things to do involved being outside. So none of those got done. I did have a project that involved putting a relay on the fridge circuit so I can cut them off as well as the wind gen from my nav station while using the SSB. I made up all the wires to reach the circuit breaker with the fridge symbol. It turned out the fridge breaker was elsewhere and a lot more awkward to access. It involve cutting and working on wires in an awkward space so I’ve deferred The cut off to the wind gen is the most important part. I can always step over and turn off the fridge.

So that was it Friday. The only thing really accomplished accomplished nothing at all.

After being cooped up all day we went out for a Friday night curry. It was delicious. It was also very hot. It’s a bit of a schlep to the communal bathroom and I needed to make the trek twice overnight.

We woke this morning to more rain although it is stopping from time to time. I have made progress on one front. I’ve removed some of the fittings for our generator exhaust at the water line and found the inner nipple to be brittle. One of the people due to visit the boat is someone who can assess the extent we have galvanic corrosion. It could be (and we hope it is) that these nipples which are going brittle are deliberately the weak link. What we need to understand is the bigger picture and what best to do about it.

Hopefully the rain will stop enough for us to make some real progress today.

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