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We made it to Whangamumu Harbour arriving around dusk. Normally I wouldn’t want to arrive in an anchorage in poor light but we’d been here before and were familiar with the bay. Our total fish tally for the trip was zero but we did spot dolphins. True Companions came in right behind us and we saw Avante in amongst 8 or 9 other boats anchored here. We waved to them and soon they rowed over in their dinghy to say hello.


We found another issue. Our new main halyard was already a little scruffed up where it sat in the clamp. On inspection there was some roughness from wear. From that point on we kept the halyard on the one winch and avoided use of the clamp. This morning I plan to address the issue before we move on. The clamps are in blocks of three so I could easily swap two blocks over putting the damaged clamp where the second reef sits and file down the rough patch. In the meantime I can seek a new part for the clamp. I may even look at putting a new splice in the halyard to move the scuffed part away from the clamp.

We settled in for dinner and a movie. After putting the TV away I walked the deck. The waters were calm, the stars were out and the moon was reflecting on the water. I sprinkled off the back of the boat. Yup – we’re definitely sailing again.

One thing not mentioned from a previous blog. Paul, who took the pictures and video of our launch, has progressed from an on-the-spur-of-the-moment remark to joining us as crew for our trip up to Fiji. That will make a big difference with the watch. Helen certainly prefers six hour sleeps over three.

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