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Merry Xmas

Merry Xmas everyone.  I’m sending this from Bees Knees as our internet gear has decided to throw some anomalous behavior which is driving me mad.  I’ve been fiddling all day to no avail.

Good news is that we’ve heard from the boys and all planes have been met, boarded and taken off on time.  We’ve been able to track them and be reassured they’ll all arrive in Antigua on time.  Once there they have four hours to get the plane to St Martin.  All very doable.  We should see them around 9pm tonight.  Very much looking forward to this.

The weather here is extremely windy and has been raining a lot.  We have decided to taxi the kids round to the nearby hotel and run the dinghy a short distance to the boat so they don’t get soaked.  Logistically we’ll be assisted by Jim from Bees Knees.  It’s going to be an interesting time.

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