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That’s the number of boat projects attempted Sunday. Zero. Count ’em. Been a long time since we’ve had a full day off.

I did do my ‘sea trial’ of the new kayak giving myself some good arm exercise. I paddled almost all the way to the next bay and in the way back I explored the rocky areas near to shore. This promised to be a lot of fun when we’re up in Fiji. I’m looking forward to fishing off the edges of reefs. The kayak is a 2+1 meaning it can be set for two people or for one or for two adults and a child. That provides a lot of flexibility.

Reading, cards, euler problems, etc. filled the rest of the day.

The weather is turning for the worse today with 40 knot gusts forecast for this evening. We’ll definitely tuck ourselves around the corner near Opua this morning. Longer term the forecasts are unchanged materially with lows dancing around over and to the west of NZ for the next week. No opportunities for a sail up to Fiji until May. This has been confirmed by the weekly missive from Bob McDavitt.

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