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Friday Departure

All signs now point to a Friday departure.  A front is passing over us over the next couple of days.  In front of it the winds are just wrong.  Behind it they couldn’t get better.  We’ll have the swell against us for the first day or so but that will turn and follow us by end of Saturday.  Better still, the forecasts coming out each 6 hours are showing a good deal of consistency which brings some degree of confidence that this picture won’t change.

We have therefore made some predeparture plans.  As soon as it gets light I will lower the dinghy, remove the motor, fuel tank and chains then raise it back.  We’ll then go and load up with fuel before heading to a slip we reserved yesterday.  We’ll then have a couple of days on the slip for convenience and prep.  In the comfort of the dock we can fully secure the dinghy for passage and strap the kayak down over the davits.  With a full fuel load we can look at the balance of the boat and rearrange internals if necessary.

This evening we will go to the yacht club for food and drinks.  With a day in hand we can let our hair down.  Paul, our crew, should show up this evening too.

Tomorrow we’ll do our final, final, final, final provisioning and generally rest and relax.  Friday morning we’ll clear, collect our duty frees and depart.

We didn’t do a great deal yesterday.  We made this plan which is progress.  I checked the fishing lures and set up the new with a new lure.  Helen read while I surfed and solved a couple more Euler problems and got stuck on another.

We really can’t wait to go.  It’s getting cold in the mornings and we have to run the generator for warmth.  At least on the dock we can run the electric heater.

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