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NZ->Fiji Day 6

A long and very drawn out day. We entered the convergence zone to the west of the low pressure system that would inevitably cause mayhem should we get too close. Our hopes to miss the bulk of the rain and nasty weather may have been realized but it has been hard to tell as we’ve had a wet, bumpy and somewhat miserable 24 hours. At one point our outside cabin was pooped and filled with water. Fortunately no one was outside at the time otherwise they’d have had a salty bath. Of the three of us, Paul seems to be enjoying himself in these conditions although the novelty does seem to be wearing off him.

Listening to the others in our mini-fleet we are relieved to hear that all are ok as we traverse this weather system and no one, it seems, is having to battle against the weather. The seas may be rough but at least they’re behind us.

It’s hard for ones mood not to follow the conditions. When the skies are clear and bright, our spirits are lifted to the same point. When it’s overcast, dreary and miserable, so become we.

Despite all this passage making is a very unique experience. Being so totally cut off from the world changes things in ways that are hard to describe. We do get the odd email from family and friends and they are always welcome. But apart from that, the outside world could hardly be there.

It is now dawn. Gray and ominous clouds surround us. To the left, right and behind it looks grim. Ahead there are areas of brightness. Not blue skies but breaks in the lower black clouds revealing brightness above. Perhaps a sign that things will improve as the day progresses.

At our current course and speed our ETA for Savusavu is Sunday morning. That presents a dilemma as there are overtime fees to pay if we check in over the weekend. One option is to slow down and arrive on Monday. Helen’s position is clear. She’ll gladly pay the extra for one less day passage.

1 comment to NZ->Fiji Day 6

  • It may seem like you are alone but our thoughts are with you. We checked in at Savusavu during a stormy Sunday. The people were very helpful however they dont miss you on OT. we got charged for taxi, meals, etc. You will love Savusavu, not to mention the odd curry house. Good market. We had some boat shirts made by the Kava Shirt Company??? something like that, good quality and priced well. used the same artwork that was used by the Dirt Shirt people in Tonga.

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