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Having motored against 10 knots of wind and a knot of current on Saturday we had hoped to have a chance to go sailing on Sunday. It wasn’t to happen. There was no wind and the current was again slightly against us. We had a late start to ensure we had the sun high when approaching Taveuni. When we arrived we anchored in 40 feet of water before surveying the area in the dinghy. We picked a better spot nearer in in about half the depth and moved the mothership there.


We rested for the early afternoon. Colin and Judy when snorkeling and Colin spotted a lobster. I may have to go out with weapons sometime soon. Our trip ashore was delayed a little when I had the opportunity to chat online with family. Once we were ashore we randomly picked a direction on the one road to walk and went about a mile or so out of ‘town’. We turned around looking for a restaurant or a bar to stop at. All were closed til about 6:30pm. We eventually found an open restaurant (Tramonto) with a fantastic view of the bay and sunset to the west. It was a really nice end to the day. Colin and Judy bought us dinner and drinks which was welcome.

We walked back to the dinghy in the dark ending up on the boat for a couple of bottles of vino.

This morning there is still no wind. Not that it matters as we’re not going anywhere in the boat. We’re going to hire a taxi and visit the waterfalls and coastal path to the south. Maybe later we’ll go out lobstering.

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