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2nd Lazy Day

Are we allowed two in a row? Of course we are. We’re cruising.

I did go out and check the lobster pot. For the second day in a row there were no lobsters in it although this time a reef fish was in there looking all lethargic, probably all full of rainbow runner carcass. I had to use my face mask and snorkel to untie the line to the marker buoy from the reef and once the lobster pot was freed I spent a little time on the reef exploring. I found a great new spot on the reef with a huge overhang. This could be a lobster apartment block so I plonked the pot there to see what happens.

The Jacksters left the anchorage (they’ll be back Tuesday) and the Callistos arrived. We went out to dinner with the Callistos and ended up back on their boat until pretty late.

Today is our 25th wedding anniversary. It’s also the Queen’s Birthday public holiday here in Fiji so there may not be much to do until our meal this evening. 3 in a row? I think we can do that if we have to.

Got a bit of news from the folks who do the catamaran haulouts here in Fiji. They are in fact the ferry company who are willing to use their equipment for hauling their own ferrys for short hauls for other boats. The length of time we need to be out of the water is an exception to their normal practice so this is beginning to look less likely. Plan B is to go back to NZ now needs a little more follow up.

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