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Back to the lookout

In the cool morning air I set about sorting out our bilge pumps. The problem one was in the starboard hull but that side is much harder to work in. So I first took the good pump out of the port hull and put it in the starboard. I then put the two remaining pumps in the port hull connected so that the good switch on one pump triggered the pump on the second and backup pump.
As we wanted to see the view from the lookout with the sun behind us we set off while it was still early leaving the cleanup from the pump work till later. This time we took the kayak to the boat landing on the south side of the bay we are in. There were two ways up to the plantation, the short way via 271 stairs and the long way via a grass track. We took the stairs which snaked their way up the side of the cliffs through the dense trees.

Back at the plantation we found our way back to the path to the lookout and were treated to a new version of what we’d seen the day before. This Bay of Islands does indeed look like the Bay of Islands in New Zealand.

Heading back we took the longer route back to where we’d beached the kayak and then paddled back to the boat where we remained for the rest of the day. After wrapping up the pump work and putting everything away it was the usual relaxing and reading in this very tranquil bay.

The only downside was an attack of small flies at sunset as we ate dinner. We pulled out the repellant candles, etc. and soon had them sent off.

This morning we plan to move around to the Bay of Islands and hang around there for a few days. There is a village to the south side which we’ll probably go to first and then go exploring some of the anchorages over the next few days.

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