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Last day in Barbuda

This morning we moved Dignity up to Low Bay on the western side of the island. In our guidebook it suggested we could haul our dinghy over the sand into the lagoon behind and get to Codrington, the sleepy capital, that way. It seems the islanders don’t like that advice as they’ve fenced the crossing off. We reckon this is to stimulate the water taxi service. In our case it has stimulated us to stay put.

The area is desolate. We have anchored near the only hotel along the 11 mile beach with about 3 other boats. While we were ashore we met Ian and Jen from McCurdo who knew John and Ziggy from Windancer IV having crossed the Atlantic with the ARC east to west. They also have two children aboard. They are Australian and making their way home from Turkey. Fair winds to them.

Tonight is curry night which we’re all looking forward to. The weather has been a bit overcast today so things have been very slow. I’m ruing the loss of solar amps as it means we’ll have to run the genset again tonight.

We have to head back to Antigua tomorrow as the wind speeds are expected to rise into the 20s come Sunday. With gusts into the 30s it’s best to be tucked behind the hills and reefs of Antigua. Dignity should cope well enough (as I’ve heard from other owners) but we all want to keep it from being bumpy.

Can’t believe the kids have been with us for over two weeks now. In some ways it has flashed by but thinking back to St Martin seems an eternity ago.

Jess says “Hi” to her Mum.


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