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Viani Bay

We waited out a humid, wet morning. The rain eventually stopped but we decided a walk ashore would be hot, muddy and miserable so we canned the idea. Thinking we could close some distance to Savu Savu we set off just before lunch with the sun high and the reefs nicely visible. We motored around the south side of Rabi and into the wind. When we had a clear angle through the outer reef we set the sails and headed south at nice brisk 7 knots. This didn’t last long as we soon came into the wind shadow of Taveuni and out came the sails. We motor sailed for a while before eventually dropping the sails which were doing nothing.

We had a few options as a destination. We made it to Viani Bay as the sun was setting. We tried one anchorage but couldn’t read the bottom so we headed over to where we anchored before.


The plan for today is to set off fairly soon and make it as far as the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort just outside of Savu Savu.

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