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Call us fickle

Saturday night we spent a nice quiet evening in Deep Bay. In the morning we shifted Dignity close to the wreck of the Andes to see if it was feasible to Hookah dive. We did not even drop the anchor as
the winds were whipping through that part of the bay and it did not look feasible to dive there. We therefore went around the corner and anchored right in St Johns. On a Sunday, St Johns was pretty dead. We walked around town anyway. There was an interesting cathedral, stone on the outside with pitch pine and mahogany on the inside. It had two towers like Exeter Cathedral albeit a bit smaller. We found an open supermarket where we mainly stocked up on bread, fruit and chocolate treats (mine was a Crunchie).

We then had another planning session. A key need was to get on the internet Monday to deal with some banking issues.  So we ended up back off Dickenson Bay for Sunday evening as we knew we could get connections there. The kids went ashore for a couple of hours leaving Helen and I alone on the boat. We watched a movie.

Our plan, as of yesterday, was to head to the reefs NE of Antigua. Now it looks as though the winds are picking up so we may change our minds (again) and head west. We may end up hanging around Five Islands Harbour and Jolly Harbour and look to take bus trips inland. If we have time today we
might go back to St Johns but that is not high on our wishlist.

Right now we’re having a familiar fight with the internet. Performance is really slow again. Haven’t yet found a way to really tell where the problem is. In the same location it was not too bad last night.


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