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Last Stop at Jean-Michel Coustea Resort

Petr and Alex from Endless dinghied to us in the morning and we were off with their dinghy in tow. Soon we were anchored off of the Jean-Michel Coustea Resort, a little further south and west than we have previously to reduce the time it takes to get to the snorkeling spots.


We wasted no time and were soon off to the same snorkeling spot Helen and I visited the first time we were here. The water was mostly clear although a little cloudy in places and at some times, chilly, perhaps due to currents making their way over the reef. The sea life was abundant making for a great snorkel.

We were back on the boat in time for a deli lunch. After lunch we prepped the Hookah and Petr, Alex and I took it out to the dive buoy out near the point. The dive turned out to be a lot of fun. We were down for about 45 minutes. We saw lots of tasty looking grouper, a rather large turtle and at one point a huge ray hiding in a cave. Normally they bury themselves in sand so it was odd seeing one lurking in the dark.

We spent the afternoon playing the card game Fluxx which Petr and Alex enjoyed a lot. In the evening we BBQed the lamb chops and steaks they’d brought. They were delicious.

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