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We had a very brisk sail over to Namena including some wildlife encounters.

We had a brief glimpse of what looked like small pilot whales but they had gone by the time I grabbed the camera. We also had a booby spend some time diving and failing (fortunately for the booby) to catch one of our lures. I wondered if the activity would attract any fish.

Within seconds of the booby giving up the line took off. We’d prepared for this. Helen went to the helm to bring in the head sail and I dashed to the reel. It was playing out fast and was heading towards the end of the line. All I could do was put on more friction in the hope of slowing whatever it was down. The 80lb line snapped nearby with a loud twang. This time we got a good sight of what took the lure and line as this fish was angry. Several times, we saw what looked like a speed boat arcing through the water sending up sheets of water. At one point we saw the huge marlin leap out of the water. It was the size of a dolphin. Sorry Colin – that was the big lure gone. I don’t think I’d have ever got that beast close to the boat.

Later we had two simultaneous hits on the fishing line and hand line. Both resulted in excitement but no fish caught. The pink squiddie from town survived the encounter but the other lure lost it’s skirt and hook.

That was it for the excitement. We were able to sail right up to the island of Namena where we dropped sails and anchored in 90ft not too far from Dreamtime who had the one and only mooring buoy. For yachties (as we’re called around here) the attraction of the island is diving the reefs. The down side is a small payment each for the privilege and the anchorage is rolly. We both needed rest from the last couple of days. For me I was aching from a fall down the stairs on Friday when I slipped on wet feet. My elbow, ribs and shoulder were all feeling tender after impacting the steps so I was not feeling zealous. We decided to wait out the afternoon and decided whether to pay and stay or head on to Makogai and take our time their.

The Dreamtimes popped over on their way to diving one of the passes. They’ve been here a week as they are keen divers. They are moving on to Makogai today (Monday) as, we decided, are we. There’s a village there and walks to be had on the island, none of which are here. The snorkeling and diving is also supposed to be pretty good there too so we won’t miss much.

3 comments to Namena

  • Just want to comment that there actually is an excellent walk on Namenalala. We spent several days there and met the owner of the resort who kindly gave us permission to walk on his nature walk. You can read about it here: The following post has photos from our visit to Namenalala.

    • steve

      I knew you’d been and had meant to go back to your blog to check up on what you did before we left the connected world. I did call into the resort on the radio but they made it clear to us there was nothing we could do there. If we’d known we could have pushed the point. However, as it happens, one moves on and finds things to do elsewhere.

  • Colin

    At least you saw what was on this time. It would have been too big for a meal for just the two of you anyway. Keep trying, one day you will land a big one. Regards

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