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Mail Arrived

St Brendan’s Isle is a wonderful thing. They’re basically our mail service. They provide us a unique Florida address where all our mail goes. On arrival the envelopes are scanned and we can view them online. For each envelope we can ask to have it shredded, opened and scanned and/or put aside to be mailed to us at a later date.

Today our batch of mail arrived in English Harbour a day or two earlier than we expected. This means we are essentially free to go to Guadeloupe. We want to watch Obama’s inauguration tomorrow so it may be Wed we leave. A bar called the “Mad Mongoose” is having a Happy Hour all day tomorrow and will be showing the whole thing on their big screen TV. We’ll probably go there.

Ideally we’ll be heading to Port Louis. The predicted winds would be ok for this if it weren’t for the currents between the islands. We may end up in Deshaies instead – or we may motor a bit which I’m not fond of. I don’t really want to give up the easting we made yesterday.

This morning we shifted the boat into the bay a little as Helen likes a minimal swell and the beach was a bit noisy. We’re now also a bit closer to things. We went for a walk ashore and found a path between English Harbour and Falmouth which had some spectacular views. Enjoy the pics.


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