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(Not So) Grand Melanesian Hotel

We’re here at the Grand Melanesian Hotel which would be better called the Functional Melanesian Hotel. No complaints. It’s good for what we paid.

We’ve had a good day. It was great having David and Marion along from Kilkea for the drive from Suva. We ended up in Port Denaru where they are berthed. Couldn’t help having a couple of beers (multiple wines in Helen’s case) aboard before we all went for dinner in the tourist center there. A little intense after what we’ve been used to but a change is a change. We ate Italian and enjoyed it.

So now we’re in the hotel not too far from Nadi Airport. We know from checking online that Anne and John’s flight has departed and it’s schedule to arrive about 5:30am in the morning. I’m not going to blog at that time so here it is earlier than normal.

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