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Off to Musket Cove

After running a clothes wash we did decide to move the boat to a nicer spot nearby. Although the spot turned out to be a little more choppy than where we’d spent the night, it did give John and I access to an excellent snorkeling spot around a number of huge bommies.


We all relaxed the rest of the day before setting off for the overnight trip to Musket Cove around 4pm. Prior to dinner we sailed wing on wing through calm waters trying to get a better angle on the winds. By dinner we were far enough away from Kandavu to turn further west on a port tack. By 8pm we deemed we’d made enough distance west to jibe and sail west of Vatulele Island half way to Viti Levu. The decision to turn then ended up a good one as we sailed through the night on a single tack. We established a 2 hour watch with Anne and John sharing a single slot. We made very good progress overnight running into light winds and a strong counter current around 5am. We are currently motor sailing with 15nm to go to Malalo Passage.

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