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Treasure Island

The poor weather continued through the morning. I did end up enlisting John on a boat project – that is to replace the port, primary bilge pump(s) and to put in a second switch. The current, normal, set up is a primary pump with a built in switch which also leads and triggers a second pump. Good that you have two pumps but bad that you only have one switch. Avid readers may recall that in the port bilge I have two primary pumps, one with a failed switch and one with a cracked pump. Bit of a bodge job. So out they came and in went the new, larger primary pump with an additional sensor. All was tested before installation. The port bilge is easier to access than the starboard so the lessons learned here will serve well when we come to doing the work on the starboard bilge which is less urgent.

As we ate lunch the weather cleared. We decided to hightail it out of Musket Cove and find somewhere different. Given that we had only one night away and wanted time on Thursday in the new location we couldn’t go far. In the end we selected Treasure Island to the north of Musket Cove.

Before departing we went ashore and paid our dues and picked up a few provisions. Anne and John took a shower. I asked a few people, four in fact, whether Lautoka or Nadi would be better for souvenir hunting and provisioning. The results came out two in favour of each with one justifying their choice by saying the transportation options were better in the Nadi area.

Our trip to Treasure Island was a straight motor into wind which Dignity labours at. We did have the fishing line out and caught a 3-4lb green jobfish. Initially we failed to identify it. It was clearly a reef fish so in the end I recommended dropping it overboard as our destination was a resort island. I regretted this decision later as a lot of the off duty staff were fishing. We could have given it to them.

We initially anchored off Treasure Island but were soon told to use their mooring ball. I called in to ask about fees. It was $10 for the night but I had to come in to pay. And that would cost $5 per person landing fee. Oh well. Anne and Helen had no desire to go ashore so John and I headed in and paid the fees. We took a short walk around the island resort then stopped at the bar for a beer.


Our evening was filled with dinner followed by a movie.

Today we’ll hang around here then head over to Port Denaru. I didn’t want to go there originally but Nadi narrowly won the shopping survey. In the end this will be good as Helen and I will need to go to Lautoka next week so we’ll get to know both and will know which is best for us for future stops.

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