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Aux Revoir Anne and John

Another fine day with mostly blue skies.

Anne and John spent the first half of the morning doing most of their packing. With this complete we headed ashore to catch the shuttle bus into Nadi. Once there we walked the high street looking into a few stores but buying nothing. We eventually made it to the colourful Hindu temple at the far end of the high street. We took off our shoes, paid the small visitors fee and took a close look at all the colourful artwork of, presumably, Hindu mythology adorning the temple.

At the temple a group of workers recommended the Indian restaurant next door for a meal. We ended up with far too much to eat for not a lot of Fiji dollars. The waiter called a taxi for us which we used to visit the supermarket and head back to Port Denaru. We were able to negotiate reasonable deals with the taxi driver for Anne and John’s trip to the airport and for our trip to Lautoka on Monday.

Back on the boat we relaxed the rest of the afternoon. John helped me up the mast to try out a new wifi unit they brought with them. Unfortunately the trip up the mast is too far to carry a 12V supply so I’ll need to source a 24V supply to fit it permanently. The new wifi unit is a Ubiquiti Bullet2HP which I first saw on Passages (here in the marina too). It works much, much better than my old setup. We are using it now.

Shortly after 5pm we took Anne and John ashore to meet the taxi driver who showed within a couple of minutes of our agreed time. Not bad for Fiji considering the roadworks between here in Nadi. We said our emotional goodbyes before showering and heading back to the boat for a quiet evening.

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