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Ready to go

Yesterday was a small projects day. In the morning we trundled off ashore to obtain cardboard and sticky tape to box the Hookah and then on to the Fed Ex affiliate to send it back to the manufacturer. We also went to a sail loft to see if we could buy a little extra sail tape in case we have any further issues. For $25 we were sold a piece 36″ by 56″ – a huge sheet. This works out a fraction of the cost of buying the stuff at a regular chandlery.

Back on the boat I first tried to read and relax. It worked for a bit but then I got antsy so I knocked off /pushed forward a lot of little boat projects. Won’t bore you with the details.

In the evening we collected Dave and Elana and shared a curry dinner with them aboard Dignity.

This morning we took a walk to the other side of English Harbour to peruse the chandlery there. We found a few bits and pieces we needed so we picked them up. We hadn’t brought our clearance papers so we had to pay sales tax which was a little annoying. Not the first time we’ve found ourselves in this position.

In the afternoon we checked out of Antigua then went round to Elana and Dave’s for another shower. We spent a couple of hours there before heading back to Dignity to do our final prep for our trip to Guadeloupe tomorrow. We intend to leave at dawn to buy as much extra time at the end of the day as possible for any surprises.

The big news circulating by word of mouth today is the fact that the captain of one of the superyachts was murdered last night. From what we understand he had rented a villa where his wife and kid were staying. Returning there after an evening meal they were accosted. During the robbery his wife was shot in the foot whereupon the captain went ballistic and ended up being shot three times. This is awful for the family. It is aweful for the locals too who all depend on tourism for there livelihood.  Particularly here, the big yachts must bring in a lot of business. If their captains don’t feel safe here big business will go away. All the locals were in a meeting around lunchtime to discuss the event. We don’t know the outcome but I hope for everyone’s sake they catch the culprit(s).

So we’re now all quite excited about Guadeloupe. This is the first island we’re visiting without being under the gun of a timetable. Also, Guadeloupe is more of what the Caribbean means to us: lush forests, hiking, waterfalls with pools, high peaks, views, isolation.

So now the sun is setting on Antigua for the last time for a while. All but dinner and washing up is done. That too will soon be behind us and no doubt we’ll be asleep soon after dark. At dawn we’re off. Life Is good.

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