Boat work in paradise has begun. Effort 1 was inspecting and topping up the batteries. All 36 of them. All 108 cells. Every battery needed some water and the drive batteries needed more than I was prepared to put in in one go. I’ll leave it for a couple of weeks of occasional charging to mix up the fluids before I complete this task.
Having earned our rest we took it. More reading. Another Euler Problem solved.
In the evening we had Steven and Darusha over from Scream for dinner then to watch The Blue Lagoon. Now we puzzle over the film locations which are all supposed to be nearby. We think the location where they were swimming in the caves was up in Sawa-i-Lau which we’ll head to soon. As for the rest, we don’t really have a clue.
However, Helen and I will be going ashore today to see far we’re allowed to explore. Perhaps we’ll recognize something.
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