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As the sun rises in the north east we waited until late morning before departure so that we would not have the sun low down in front of us. Had we left earlier we would not have been able to clearly see the various reefs and shallows that inundate the area.

We used battery power to clear the reefs around our anchorage before getting a good angle on the wind which was never much more than 15 knots. We were able to sail all the way to the cut just west of our destination Sawa-i-Lau. We tacked a couple of times to get closer to the cut before turning on the generator and motoring the rest of the way in.


After a brief rest we took the dinghy ashore to the village of Nabukeru. Here we gave sevusevu to the headman on the beach where we ended up chatting for a while and sharing some sweets with the kids who were on holiday from school. We then walked around the village for a while chatting to a few of locals. We learned that they are out of diesel for their village generator so are without power at the moment. We’ve decided to see if they’ll take 5 gallons of diesel instead of the entry fee to the nearby caves which we plan to visit today.

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