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Day 10 – Jost Van Dyke

We left our mooring fairly early this morning to make our way over to Sandy Cay. We were the first boat there and it was nice to have the island to ourselves. There is a path that leads all the way around the island which was a nice walk. At the end of our walk to attempted but failed to find a geocache. Everytime we got near to where my GPS said the cache was, it would suddenly point to another 30-40 feet away. In the end we gave up. A quick sail got us over to White Bay, the home of the Soggy Dollar Bar which claims to have originated the “Painkiller” – a rather morish cocktail served aplenty around here. We quaffed morning “Painkillers” and the insubstantial pains we had, melted away. Helen and I walked up the beach and bumped into the couple we had met the day before on the way to the “Bubbly Pool.” We chatted and exchanged emails. Around 2 we motored round to Great Harbour where, this evening, we plan to dine and wine at Foxy’s. A fun and usually lively spot.

We’ve kind of worked out our plans for visiting the USVIs. Leah is desperate for US soil so we’d better go. Due to visa reasons, John has to go there by ferry. He’ll catch the ferry from here to West End, Tortola tomorrow morning and from there take a ferry to Cruz Bay, St John. By then, hopefully we’ll have sailed the shorter direct distance and checked in with customs and immigration. We’ll stay a few days then head back to West End Tortola where we’ll stay 2-3 nights basing some scuba diving out of that port.

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