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Bouncy, bouncy Namoutu

Our plan had been to reach Namouta Island and rest here a couple of days before heading to Denarau. We’d heard it was a nice anchorage with good holding. As expected, there was little to no wind so we motored here from Mana. We arrived at low tide. The anchorage was indeed calm and we found a good spot to anchor in sand.


We had our lunch and then after a brief rest went snorkeling. The reef here wasn’t as alive as elsewhere but there were plenty of fish and we saw our first moray eel here in Fiji.

We whiled away the rest of the afternoon.

As we settled in for the evening the anchorage become more and more rolly. As we approached high tide (and that’s a spring tide following a recent full moon) the waves made it over the nearby reef protecting us from the ocean swell. The current from the pass turned us broadside to the wind and swell. For a few hours the boat was pretty bouncy.

It is much worse this morning. Enough so that we wont stay here. We’ll wait until things calm down and do a second wash (one done already this morning). We’ll try anchoring outside Denarau for the night. We’ve seen boats out there before. Perhaps they can tap into free internet from one of the hotels there. We’ll give it a go.

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