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Out and About

In the morning we took a walk around Nanuya Island this time going around anti-clockwise. This meant we walked along the beach first, quickly, trying to avoid the passengers soon to disembark from the Blue Lagoon cruise ship. This was all timed for low tide so we could wade through the mangroves between Nanuya and Turtle Island. After a scramble over the rocks we visited the tea shop but found it closed. We returned through the backpackers resort on the east coast and along the path over the top of the hill above the Nanuya Island Resort. There we tried to book a meal for the evening only to find the place fully booked.

Later on in the morning everyone bar me went for a snorkel off the reef near to the beach used by the cruise ship. There the fish appear to be hand fed so are quite abundant and not shy. I had a few things to sort out so I got on with that.

After lunch everyone fell asleep – life aboard is after all quite exhausting. Later I took Brian and his family back to the nearby village to give two photos we’d printed (thanks Colin again for the paper) and a small donation for the church fund. We were again invited into Seine’s home for a short while.

After this we went for another snorkel on the reef off the resort which turned out to be merely ok. In the evening we ate aboard then watched a movie.

Today we’re heading north to Sawa-I-Lau where we’ll visit the caves and take some gifts to the school.

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